Guidance Regarding Workers’ Compensation Claims Pertaining To COVID-19

If you contract COVID-19 as a result of a direct work-related exposure you may be eligible for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

As close to the onset of the illness as possible, you must call the toll-free CorVel 24/7 Nurse Triage Advocacy Line (1.800.683.6778) to initiate the claims process.

You will need to supply specific details regarding how the exposure occurred, so that a prompt and thorough investigation can be performed, and a determination of whether or not you are eligible for Workers' Compensation can be made.

Exposure to the virus at work without contracting the illness is not covered by Workers’ Compensation.  Likewise, contracting the illness from exposure outside of work is not covered by Workers’ Compensation.

If it is determined that you are eligible for Workers’ Compensation, then a portion of your paid time off (i.e. Choice Time), medical treatment due to your illness and/or other applicable benefits will be paid pursuant to Workers’ Compensation law.