Physical Fitness


Montefiore has partnered with fitness facilities around the tri-state area to bring membership discounts to all Montefiore associates and employees of Einstein College.  
Some of the facilities are listed below.

A detailed list of gym discounts can be found HERE.



Facility Location To Join or for more information
Crunch Norwood Moses Campus [email protected]
Crunch All boroughs, Westchester, New Jersey, Connecticut [email protected]
Equinox Manhattan, Brooklyn, Westchester, New Jersey [email protected]
Equalize Fitness Yonkers Campus Call 914.751.6655
Falk Recreation Center / Friedman Athletic Center Einstein Campus Call 718.430.4298
NYC YMCA All boroughs Call your local facility
The Riverdale YM-YWHCA Riverdale Contact: (718) 548-8200 or email [email protected] for more information


Can't get to the gym? Click HERE to view free or low cost virtual fitness classes.   Montefiore also offers a Trainwithme option at


Montefiore Mile

Grab a colleague and walk the Montefiore Mile during lunch, break or even after work. Monte-Mile signs can be found around the Einstein, Moses and Wakefield Campuses. Click HERE for Montefiore Mile Map.

If your campus doesn’t have a Monte Mile map way, don’t worry!                                                                                                                            

  • Walk 20 short New York City blocks**
  • Walk about 6 long blocks***
  • Walk about 2,000 steps (keep track with a pedometer, Fitbit or health app on your phone)

** "Short blocks" are along avenues, going roughly north-south, from one (numbered) street to the next.
*** "Long blocks” are along streets and typically avenues going east-west.